Pre-Professional Extension Program

The Pre-Professional Extension Program was developed after extensive consultation with parents and young people, this program is the result of our dedication to creating a supportive and high-performance environment.

At RISE, inclusivity is at the core of everything we do. We believe in providing equal opportunities for all, especially during our holiday programs. However, for our weekly program, we are exclusively catering to highly committed individuals who aspire to pursue a career in the industry. Acceptance into this program will be granted through a successful application process.

Our focus lies in offering industry-based weekly programs that go beyond traditional training. We encourage all young people to continue with their current commitments. At RISE, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals who can excel in both their artistic pursuits and other areas of life.


The Pre-Professional Extension Programs offers the following:

  • Mindset Coaching

  • Goal Setting

  • Mentoring

  • Technique Classes

  • Choreography

  • Industry Mentoring and Special Guests

  • Performance Coaching

  • Audition Prep

  • Feedback Sessions

  • Studio Showings

  • Industry Connections


Monday Program: 4.30pm-7.30pm

Friday Program: 4.30pm-7.30pm

Musical Theatre Extension Program

The program, crafted by Jackie Scott and Mitchell Fistrovic Doidge, is a unique musical theatre training platform that stands out for its innovative approach of incorporating a rotating roster of mentors. Participants have unparalleled access to a wide array of active industry professionals, each bringing their own expertise and insights into various facets of musical theatre.

This hands-on program allows aspiring artists to learn directly from those at the forefront of the industry, offering a rare opportunity to study actual show repertoires and receive personalised feedback. The emphasis is on creating a challenging yet supportive environment where participants are encouraged to identify and hone their unique talents, develop a distinct personal brand, and rigorously prepare for a career in the industry.

At its core, the program is designed to foster individual growth and resilience, aiding participants in navigating their path within the complex landscape of musical theatre. It is an environment that not only focuses on skill refinement but also on empowering participants to become the best versions of themselves, ready to carve out their own space in the professional realm.

The Musical Extension Programs offers the following:

  • Vocal classes

  • Dance technique

  • Choreography

  • Repertoire

  • Acting and performance workshops

  • All musical theatre dance styles including broadway, tap, commercial


Saturday Program: 1pm-4pm

Open Classes


This is an open class that caters to young people wanting to develop a strong ballet technique to either support their exam work or in place of exams. The classes progress through barre work and floor work with a focus on technique and artistry. The environment is supportive and encouraging. Teachers are trained to deliver the class at varying levels to ensure all participants are challenged.

Conditioning, Technique and Tricks:

A challenging class delivering high level conditioning techniques to improve dance technique. Technique is broken down to achieve high level steps and tricks to push participants dancing to the next level. Teachers are trained to deliver the class at varying levels to ensure all participants are challenged. A must do class for all dancers.

Open classes are aimed at young people committed to developing their skills in a supportive and dynamic environment.

Please get in touch to chat about your requirements and to see if the RISE open classes are suitable for you.


Saturday 9am-10am - Ballet

Saturday 10am-11.00am - Conditioning, Technique and Tricks

Saturday 11.00am-12.30pm - Performance Group