Studio Liability Waiver and Release Form

At RISE you have the right to FEEL SAFE and to BE SAFE all of the time!

We will ensure that we create an environment for you that is safe, nurturing, challenging and fun. Above anything, you should always feel safe. If at any time you do not feel safe you need to let someone know. There are lots of people at RISE that you can talk to:

Jackie Scott

Jackie is the Director at RISE. She is a qualified teacher with lots of experience looking after young people. She trains teachers and the industry on child safety. She has her mental health first aid certificate and has worked with young people all over the world. Young people like to talk to Jackie because she is kind and very caring.

Teagan Sheringham

Teagan is qualified in children’s services, she is a beauty therapist and has a diploma in business administration. Teagan is in charge of all the RISE admin so has a deep understanding of the programs and the people involved. Young people love talking to teagan because she is a mum and understands young people. She listens carefully, really cares and can make things happen!

At RISE we only invite mentors, staff and teachers to work with us if they are experienced working with young people and they teach with support and kindness. AT RISE staff and teachers sign a code of conduct that they will not do any of the following:

  • Shout in a rude or aggressive manner

  • Use rude language

  • Make you feel uncomfortable

  • Bully you or anyone at RISE

  • Act in a way that is inappropriate

  • Act in a way that is mean or hurtful

At RISE a teacher should never:

  • Be in a room alone with you

  • Talk to you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable

  • Talk about anything that makes you feel uncomfortable

  • Touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable

  • Enter a changing area without knocking

  • Private message you on text message, instagram, facebook etc

  • Hit or hurt you physically

  • Force you to dance with an injury

If any of these things happen you must tell someone you trust at RISE as soon as possible; Jackie, Tegan or a mentor.

At RISE mentors, staff and teachers will treat all young people with respect, regardless of race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, cultural background, financial situation, disability or other characteristics. Everyone is welcome and everyone is treated the same.

As a student at RISE we ask that you show respect to yourself, your peers and your teachers. You can do this by following the below:

Be kind to yourself:

  • Have kind thoughts about yourself

  • Be proud of your achievements

  • Use ‘I can't yet’ instead of ‘I can’t’.

  • Stop negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones

  • Listen to your body

  • Take a brain or body break when you need one

  • Remind yourself how wonderful, smart, talented and kind you are

Be kind to others:

  • Give random compliments

  • Support others when they are sharing

  • Never whisper

  • Smile at others

  • Say well done

  • Encourage others to try hard things

Be kind to your teachers and mentors

  • Use kind words

  • Arrive to sessions on time or early

  • Never talk over someone who is talking

  • Be respectful of your teachers and mentors knowledge and experience

  • Give compliments 

  • Say thank you

  • Be grateful

Work Ethic:

  • Work Hard

  • Don’t compare yourself to others

  • Compare yourself only to who you were yesterday

  • Don’t waste time

  • Don't waste energy on negativity

  • Be reliable

  • Be YOUR best

  • Enjoy what you do

  • Practice

  • Be positive

  • Take corrections as positive feedback

  • Ask for help 

  • Be prepared for all sessions with everything that you need



We are all equal

We are all amazing for different reasons

Bullying others means you lack something inside yourself. Let us help you figure that out and make YOU the best that YOU can be.

Always be an upstander not a bystander. 

If you see something say something!

Social Media:

We understand that social media is important for your profile and in the industry. We want to guide you to manage your social media in a respectful and professional manner.

  • Seek permission from teachers/mentors before posting their content

  • Seek permission from peers before posting images (still or moving) of them

  • Be respectful of the way you represent others on your social media

  • Be kind to yourself and others

  • Don’t post anything you may regret later

  • Think before you post

  • NEVER post inappropriate pictures of yourself or others


How you present yourself lets others know how you feel about yourself. At RISE presentation is very important!

  • Be neat and clean

  • Dancers should look audition ready at all times with hair in a slick ponytail every session and you should fix your hair in breaks

  • Vocalists should be neat and present themselves in a way that is audition ready and represents their personality

  • We have many industry professionals at RISE every day and we want you to feel that you are presenting your best self. When you are presented in a way that shows you have put some thought and effort into yourself it goes a long way to show your good work ethic. 

  • We do not want you to feel like you are forced to look exactly the same, we want you to represent your individuality but we want this to be done with thought and purpose whilst remaining neat and tidy

At RISE we want you to feel special, important, worthy and appreciated!

If you show respect you will receive respect!

If you are kind to others, others will be kind to you!

Carve out the life you want!

Your results are determined by your attitude and effort!

Studio Name: RISE

Primary Location: Suite 2, 359 Plummer St, Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Activity Locations: Various locations including but not limited to other studios, theatres, and performance venues as designated by RISE

As a participant, or parent/guardian of a participant, in dance and performing arts classes, workshops, and activities ("Activities") provided by RISE at various locations, including the primary studio premises and any other designated studios, theatres, or performance venues, I acknowledge, appreciate, and agree to the following terms:

Assumption of Risk: I understand that participation in the Activities involves inherent risks of physical injury, emotional stress, and in extreme cases, death, regardless of the location where the Activities take place. These risks may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself, others, the conditions of various premises, or the transition between locations. I voluntarily assume all risks, both known and unknown, associated with my participation or my child's participation in the Activities.

Release of Liability: I hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue RISE, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, and representatives, as well as any other studios, theatres, or venues utilised for the Activities (collectively, "Releasees") from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, or damages arising from my participation or my child's participation in the Activities. This release includes any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Releasees, including any claim for personal injury, death, or property damage that may occur at any of the various locations where the Activities take place.

Medical Treatment: I give permission for RISE staff or designated representatives to provide emergency medical treatment or transportation if needed during the Activities, regardless of the location. I agree to be responsible for any medical or other charges in connection with my participation or my child's participation in the Activities.

Media Release: I grant RISE the right to photograph or video my participation or my child's participation in the Activities at any location. I agree that RISE may use such photographs or videos for promotional, educational, or informational purposes without compensation.

Acknowledgment of Policies and Procedures: I agree to abide by the rules, policies, and procedures of RISE as communicated from time to time, including but not limited to those regarding conduct, attire, and attendance, irrespective of the location of the Activities.

Understanding of Terms: I have read this waiver and release form, fully understand its terms, and understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. By selecting the checkbox associated with this agreement during the checkout process, I provide my digital acceptance of these terms. This act constitutes an electronic signature and indicates my intent for this to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law, applicable to all locations where Activities may occur.